Family ❤️

Rikki Dorfan

To my best friend and sister,

Happy birthday!!! I’m so happy that i’m able to celebrate with you on your special day. Sometimes when i’m sad I like to remember all the amazing times we have had where we laugh uncontrollably, and that’s when I remember that I have one of the best sisters in the whole wide world. I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve helped me through whether it’s cracking my thumbs or choosing my college classes for the next 4 years. I love you so much!!

Love, your best friend and sister (Rikki!!!!)

Joel & Barbi Dorfan

From an armful to a handful!

Always engaged and always interested.

Leaping to all heights to achieve what she wants!

Dearest Sammi,

You are kind.

You are unique.

You are smart.

You are funny.

You are warm.

You are compassionate.

You are loyal.

You are curious.

You are reliable.

You are passionate.

You are dependable.

You are adorable.

You are lovable.

And you are loved so very much.

Wishing you the happiest birthday.

Love Mom and Dad.

Jess Dorfan

Happy Birthday to my favorite middle sister!

(Make sure to get that right or I’ll be in trouble lol) Love you and miss you always, and can’t wait to go globetrotting with you

❤️ Jess and Charlie

Zack Dorfan


woof woof..woof woof woof. Woof woof, woof!!!
woof, Zack