picture of Sammi in NYC resturuant

Happy 23rd Birthday Sammi!

We all love you so much and are so proud of you :)

Big thank you to everyone who put in blurbs! Click here for your reward!

About this Site

I first had this idea within 2 weeks of us dating. Not having any experience in front-end coding or web design (thanks a lot Brandeis), I decided to give you the jar when we went long distance for the first time instead. When I started work in August, I decided to resurrect the idea and took a few courses on HTML, CSS, UX/UI, and JavaScript to prepare. This was maybe the only thing I liked about your long hours at VCA (shoutout to Stephanie). After finally getting the code to work, I reached out to some friends and family who were more than happy to show their love and appreciation of just how incredible of a person you are.

If by some reason whoever is reading this wants to look at the code/repo. It can be found here or with GitHub CLI: gh repo clone JonahSanders/BDAY_WEB.

A Couple of the (infinite) Reasons Why I love You

Our 2nd Date

I feel like it's cliche to say how I fell in love with you on our first date (which I did). So I'm going to chose our second one for this story. Our second date, as you remember, was probably like 12 hours long. We hammocked at UCLA (pic below!), saw some cute dogs, ordered some terrible tacos, and hung out at the Bayit's basement (also the first time I treid your baking). Somewhere in those 12 hours that still didn't feel like long enough, I told you that my favorite flavor of candy is always the red ones. I even forgot I told you about this until for my birthday later that year, you got me a giant bag of red flavored candy--each that you sorted out yourself so I wouldn't have to pick out the ones I like. While it took me a solid month to finish, I was and am floored by your ability to care and listen.

Thursday, January 7th 2021

Star Wars & Brussels Sprouts

Sammi, my coo, I have never met anyone who knows me as well as you do. If I told myself a few years ago all of the new things I've tried and liked because of you, I wouldn't believe it. I drink coffee sometimes, am obsessed with Abba, love me some Noah Kahan, and Heck, can you believe we have a cat? You show me all these things I didn't know I wanted, while at the same time making me feel respected if I like it or not. xoxo Gossip Girl.

a picture of a cute girl
a picture of a cute girl
a picture of a cute girl
a picture of a cute girl